Tuesday, November 1, 2016

5 Reasons your Magazine advertising is not generating sales in Lagos, Nigeria

Just like all other forms of advertising, Magazine advertising campaign requires time, resources and coordination. That is why it frustrating when these efforts don’t result in the increase of sales or awareness.

It is very important to monitor the results of your efforts, because no matter how much research you put into your audience, no matter how well your visuals went over with a test audience, there's no way to truly know how a campaign will perform until it's live.  Understanding this is the key to making your Magazine advertising campaign a success.

Here are five reasons you are not having a successful Magazine ads;

Not Targeting the Right Audience: Targeting the right audience with magazine advertising requires a different strategy than digital or television advertising. Make sure you do a proper and thorough research.  Avoid the temptation to make assumptions about who your target audience should be. Take the time to understand who your current customers are. The more you know about your audience, and the more you understand how they spend their time at work and away from it, the better you'll be at choosing the magazines they are most likely to read.

Not Using the Right Publication: For example, when you're advertising a smart phone, it just might be effective to choose a publication with a more dedicated circulation.  However, you should always consider your options. It’s better to start by studying each publication's readership and understand how that audience changes by region. Also ask an expert for advice. Media owners will be happy to tell you why their magazine is right for you. However, this information will obviously be biased. Consult with a media specialist who has a good understanding of your options, who will take the time to understand your goals and who will have a stake in your success.

Ineffective Call to Action: A call to action should compel readers to take action. "Call Now," or "Log on for Details," not only lacks urgency, but also fails to stand out from an ocean of advertising that instructs consumers to take the same action. Your advertising should make the case for the action you'd like the reader to take, and your call to action should inspire. Make it cohesive. Your advertisement should have a single message that all builds up to a single call to action. Don't confuse people by giving them too many actions to complete or by using a mismatched call to action. Also make it worth it for your customers, Instead of simply telling readers what to do, make a value-added proposition that they cannot resist.

Lack of Contact information: You have your company's well-known logo on the advertisement so it's easy for people to know who you are. You've also included a telephone number and a physical address so people can easily reach out for more information or make a purchase. It sounds like it should be enough, but the truth is that very few people are going to pick up the phone after reading a single magazine ad. Today's consumer wants to spend time researching your offers, your company and reviews for both before making contact. In fact, up to 65 percent of consumers spend at least 16 minutes comparison shopping before reaching a decision. So make sure to include a website and other social options.

Your Visuals Are Lacking: The first thing readers will see in your print ads is the visuals. Before they read the headline or take a look at the first bit of text, the photos, images and layout have to immediately capture the attention and imagination of the readers, or they will turn the page and move on. If your visuals aren't stopping readers in their tracks, it's time to regroup. Simplicity is also advisable. Everything on the page needs to have a purpose. If it doesn't, cut it. It's also important to have enough white space so the visual field is not overwhelming. If there's too much going on, people will not be able to make sense of it quickly enough and are likely to ignore it completely. Make sure that photos and other artwork are able to tell a story just by mere looking at it. This helps to advance narrative that you're telling. Or better yet, use the pictures to tell the first thousand words of that narrative and let your text pick up where the pictures left off.

If you are thinking of advertising in Nigeria, please contact PoiseMedia Communications at www.poisemedianigeria.com or check our contact at the bottom of this blog. We can help you identify your market and reach them. We apply both BTL and ATL strategies to project our clients’ brands to the right audience. We can do same for you at very affordable price.

Lilian Izuorah
Business Development Officer
PoiseMedia Communications Ltd