I get Lots of calls and mails from people all the time asking for cheap ways they can use to advertise their business in Nigeria, especially Lagos. I just thought about it, that it will be a good idea if I write about it too.
Lagos, Nigeria is said to be one of the fastest growing city in the world, with an average population of 14 million people. It attributes are very similar to Newyork city in USA, and almost anything can see, if you know how to locate your market. There are all kid of people in Lagos, from extremely rich (A class) to extremely poor (F Class), so take your pick of the market.
All kinds of people reside in Lagos from various walks of like, Americans, Asians, Latinos, Africans etc. I am not writing about Lagos, but the enormous potentials which the market presents.
Despite the huge market which Lagos present, most people still don’t know how to advertise their business in Lagos. Lots of people try to only stick focus of their advertising campaign on the internet. As much as that is a very fantastic idea for a white collar person, most Nigerian don’t trust the internet as a good source for information, so you might need to go the extra mile. While the Web allows you put information about your company and products where it can be found by millions of people, it's not the answer to every marketing problem, especially Nigeria.
Potential customers aren't going to find your web site unless you tell them about it and give them a reason to want to visit the page. In other words, you have to market the Web site or your product.
So what can you do to market your business at low cost in Nigeria? Here are some proven methods to help get your business off the ground without spending a fortune.
1) Make a good Business Card: Your business card is the first window people are going to get to peep into your business. If you don't have a business card and business stationery, have them made up -- immediately. Your business card, letterhead and envelope tell prospective customers you are a professional who takes your business seriously. A very good business card can also do an extra MAGIC for your business. If you give some one a business card that is not attractive, there is a high tendency; they will keep it for long. Most people remember business card or business stationeries that make a statement. A good business card will contain your company logo, your contact details and what you do.
If you don’t have a good business card, call an expert to design and print one for you today or give us to call the discuss how to get a very good one. Our direct line is 234-8029879354.
2) Get your business card into as many hands as possible. Call your friends and relatives and tell them you have started a business. Visit them and leave a small stack of business cards to hand out to their friends.
3) Talk to all the vendors from whom you buy products or services. Give them your business card, and ask if they can use your products or service, or if they know anyone who can. If they have newsgroups where business cards are displayed (printers often do, and so do some supermarkets, hairdressers, etc.), ask if yours can be added to the board.
4) Attend meetings of professional groups, computer user groups and groups such as the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, or civic associations. Have business cards in a pocket where they are easily reachable. Every time you start to say "My name is," reach in your pocket for a business card. By the time you get to "I run a..." (type of business), your business card should be deposited in the hand of the person with whom you are speaking. Don't forget to ask what the people you speak with do, and to really listen to them. They'll be flattered by your interest, and better remember you because of it.
5) Become actively involved in 3 or 4 of these groups. That will give you more opportunity to meet possible prospects. But remember: opportunists are quickly spotted for what they are, and get little business. While you won't want to become involved in activities that require a lot of your time in very many organizations, you can -- and should -- make real contributions to all of them by offering useful ideas and help with small parts of one-time projects;
6) Look for something unusual about what you do, and publicize it. Send out press releases to local newspapers, radio stations, cable TV stations, or magazines whose audiences are likely to be interested in buying what you sell. To increase your chance of having the material published, send along a photo (but not to radio stations) with your press release. Editors of printed publications are often in need of "art" (drawings or photos) to fill space and break up the gray look of a page of text. You can contact us if you need help in placing advert in any of the media in Nigeria. Read our article on placing advert in the newspaper.
7) Write an article that demonstrates your expertise in your field. Send it to non-competing newspapers, magazines, and Web sites such as the Business Know-How Web site. Be sure that your name, business name, reference to your product or service and phone number are included at the end of the article. If the editor can use the article, you get your name in print, and possibly get your contact information printed for free, too.
Here are some tips on cheap and effective ways to advertise your business. More are going to be coming your way very soon, you can check this site again very soon for update and the conclusion of this article.