Introducing your product into the Nigerian market requires exceptional product knowledge, creativity, imagination, persistence and energy. Now, in some cases, your "product" may be you!
Do you have a product or services you want to sell? Are you about getting a franchise for a fast moving product abroad and you want to introduce it into the Nigerian market as soon as you finalize all your plans? Are you about starting a production or service company of your own? These steps will guide you in some basic steps you need to take, and if you take these steps you might be able get your product into the Nigerian market in record time.
Create a Marketing Plan
An excellent marketing plan is essential and serves as the blueprint for your business success. Begin by confirming that there is in fact ... a market for your product.
Many overlook this and end up making one of the most expensive mistakes of their lives. If there is a market for your product, get the most recent market synopsis for your business.
Do your research online and at your local library or bookstore. There is a excess of information and literature available to help you succeed. Speak to individuals who operate businesses like yours, or call people in Nigeria that have done it before (We can also help you with information).
Next, do your homework. Write down your specific goals, objectives, and desired outcome for your business. After you've done this, you're ready to create your marketing plan. Be sure to include your:
• Product description
• Target market
• Customer demographics
• Price
• Competition
• Promotion
• Advertising
• Profit percentage
• Product Guarantee
• Product/liability Insurance
• Budget
(We can also help you to create a marketing plan)
Set a Launch Date
What is the exact date your product goes on a shelf, in a rack, in front of an audience, or online? Write it down.
Your launch date not only gives you something to aim at, it helps keep you accountable. Your Launch Date is considered your debut, or grand opening. It is the day your customers line up for the first time to be the first in line to buy your product.
The launch date is typically set far enough ahead for a full-steam ahead marketing effort. Setting a launch date six months in advance is the minimum I would suggest for a strong marketing campaign. Anything less would compromise your efforts and results. Six or more months out increases the likelihood for great previews, reviews, blurbs and other publicity mediums. And be sure to arrange press interviews and personal appearances with radio and television stations. (Click here to read more about brand launch in Nigeria)
Work With a Brand Agency or Small Group
Everyone can benefit from the guidance and support while putting their product on market. A brand agency or a business support group can help you reach your destination. You can't help but benefit from the shared experience and knowledge of others.
These resources can also help you hold yourself accountable for reaching your daily goals and objectives. The primary goals include helping you grow, and stay in business. You can meet once a week, once a month, or even once a quarter. It's up to you.
Take Action Every Day
This tactic requires discipline and is one you cannot afford to overlook. You must do something everyday which moves you closer to putting your product on the market.
Be sure you are advertising and utilizing both online and offline resources to do so. Go out and network and establish business relationships in Nigeria.
Join trade association if you can. Approach your niche market everyday with the intent to advance.
Be creative, daring and tenacious. Pick up the phone and tell the people about you and how your product can change their lives for the better.
Run Publicity Campaigns
You might also consider running some form of publicity, but that is really depending on your budget. You can also have an advertising budget. However, your budget doesn’t have to be so much. You can be strategic in your advertising campaign and you will not have to sp spend so much. For example, not every business need to go the TV media, you might just need to have a few billboards in Nigeria, and all you need might just be few fliers in the area you are concentrating your product. The product you are introducing determines the kind of publicity you need to throw. You can contact us for more of advertising in Nigeria or just read my later articles.
Sell, Sell, Sell!
Sell, sell, sell. But not without a specific strategy.
Depending on your product and respective marketing plan, you may want to focus selling to individuals first, then small businesses. As you reach your goals, you are more than likely to open up to retail or wholesale. Business-to-business selling is fundamental in the success of many products.
Illustrate the low cost and benefits of your product. Break down the price to its smallest increment and make the benefit clear. For example, "Enjoy delicious, high quality, hot bugger delivered to your home for less than N600.00 a day."